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Does great work, very professional! She did some amazing copywriting for my business. With very fast delivery and great quality of work!


Case Study: How A Business Coach Made 58K From A Mini Offer...

  • 4.2X ROAS 
  • 162 New People Added To List
  • 330 Sales 

The client is a coach for network marketing leaders looking to systemize their business for downline duplication. This coach had momentum but was looking to let go of an affiliate offer.


This client's goal was twofold.

1. Create something that would enable them to stop giving away content for free and help pay for ad spend.

2. Create an offer that they owned. 


Create a self liquidating offer. Build out front end offers that would pay for ad spend. Create a backend offer that would increase the lifetime value of the customer.


  • Client made 28k from the mini offer itself. 

  • Client launched the backend mastermind and sold out within 3 weeks making $30k.

  • Since launching the backend offer… we have added another upsell to the mini offer, restructured the backend mastermind so it’s scalable, raised prices by 40%, and created a post mastermind offer to generate recurring income. Stay tuned! This client ROAS is about to rise, tenfold. 

Case Study: How A Consultant Made 46X ROAS...

  • Landing Page Conversion Rate 46%
  • Reduced Cost Per Result By Over 60%

Consultant had a high ticket offer and was running a B2B conversion campaign to book a call.


The client needed to place themselves competitively in a saturated niche.


Created an offer that placed the client strategically in the market and ensured their messaging spoke directly to the lane their ideal client was currently in. The messaging highlighted the clients unique advantage and enabled them to book calls at a fraction of the projected price.


  • Client booked 18 calls

  • Highly quality leads that are still with the client today 

  • Projected Cost Per Result was $50-$80. Client booked calls for $16.66

  • 46X ROAS and And Climbing
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I’d been looking to hand over the ads management portion of business for sometime, as I realized I’d hit a plateau and my campaigns were no longer as profitable as they once were. Mandy not only helped me get to a profitable place again, but she gave me the confidence and strategy to be able to let go of an offer that was no longer serving me or my brand. Since working with her, I’ve created a mini offer, several upsells, and a high ticket Mastermind. Handing over the funnel builds and ad strategy to someone of her calibur has turned out to be a no brainer. And it’s solidified a belief I’ve always held true. You can DIY anything if you invest enough time, but if you want to scale you’re going to need an expert. Mandy is a true professional and a bomb marketer.


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