The Key To Be Seen And Heard Despite All the Noise
The moment you plug into a social media site you're going to be someone’s ideal client. They might be WAY off. We’ve all been subject to pitches we clearly have no interest in.
And as annoying as it can be, oftentimes, these come from well meaning people. People who may have a really incredible offer, that just don’t have the skills they need to develop a brand and market it.
Here’s what I need you to know.
A brand is so much more than logos, a color palette, and even a website. These things won’t make you money. Are they important, yes, but you could spend a fortune on a graphic designer who will build you a gorgeous website and you’ll still never make a dime.
Why? Because while a graphic designer can work magic in Adobe it doesn’t necessarily mean they studied the art and science of sales copy.
The reality is stories sell. Words sell. People want to do business with people.
I’m going to give you a golden nugget… YOU are your brand.
And when people interact with your brand there must be clarity. They need to know who you help and why they should trust you.
This is key to BEING seen even in the most competitive niches.
We are programmed to turn away from confusion. This is why the websites don’t make great funnels, and why a funnel should only have one call to action per landing page.
Clarifying your message so it’s ultra clear and stands out ABOVE the noise is ultimately what will make the difference between those who are able to receive what you have to offer and those who are not.
If you're not sure if your message is clear I want you to ask yourself the following questions.
If you don’t know the answer to these questions you likely have a bit of work to do. An “I help” statement has it’s place. Think Instagram bio. And short and direct above the fold message on your website is a must.
But in order to take new leads through the customer journey you must nurture the relationship. This is not done by selling yourself or trying to be the hero of their story.
This is about crafting messaging that enables them to see their problem in a new light. It’s about telling stories that show transformation is possible.
Oftentimes people complicate the art of story when in reality it can be simplified. All stories must have conflict and a clear beginning, middle, and end. (Backtrack to question 2) Relevance is key here. And if done well (Question 3) is in the bag, as your brand will be relatable, repeatable, and worthy of a share.
Once you’ve clarified your messaging, aka your brand, it can be carried from social media platforms, to landing pages, emails, and even your website with continuity.
This is the KEY to standing out. Copywriting is far too often seen as an expendable expense. But here’s the reality…
You can sell a really crappy offer with great messaging and phenomenal offer with sub par messaging will remain on a shelf.
Need help creating a brand that stands out from the crowd. Check out our copywriting page